E-signature manual

Signing and verification of documents in proCertum SmartSign

  1. 17. A new window opens. Click and drag to select the area in which the graphical representation of your signature is to be placed. Click ‘OK’.
  2. A new window opens. Click the green ‘Sign’ button.
  3. 17. A new window opens. Click and drag to select the area
    in which the graphical representation of your signature is to be placed. Click ‘OK’.
  1. Select your electronic signature and click ‘OK’.
  2. A new window opens. Enter your electronic signature PIN and click ‘OK’.
  3. 19. A new window with a signing summary message opens. Click ‘OK’.

Signing a Word or an Excel document will result in a second file of the same. This is the electronic signature file that contains information about its owner.
Signing a PDF document does not result in a second file. The signature becomes an integral part of the PDF document.

Podpisywanie dokumentu przez kolejnego użytkownika w programie ProCertum SmartSign


  1. Right-click the document and select ‘proCertum SmartSign’ > ‘Sign’ from the menu.
  2. A new window opens. In the white box on the right information about the persons who previously signed the document will be displayed. Click the green ‘Sign’ button.
  3. 21. A new window opens. Click and drag to select the area
    in which the graphical representation of your signature is to be placed. Click ‘OK’.
  1. Select your electronic signature and click ‘OK’.
  2. A new window opens. Enter your electronic signature PIN and click ‘OK’.
  3. A new window with a signing summary message opens. Click ‘OK’.


Document verification in ProCertum SmartSign

Right-click the signature file, select ‘proCertum SmartSign’
and ‘Verify’ from the menu.

Click the green ‘Confirm’ button at the bottom.

You will receive a message about document verification.